Valiant or Villains?

Saul also went to his home at Gibeah, and with him went men of valor whose hearts God had touched. – 1 SAMUEL 10:26

Valiant or villains?

Tags:  Quest, Valor, Courage, Determination, God's Kingdom, God's Leading, Grace, Strength, Stand firm, Faithfulness, God's Provision, Discipleship, Servant Leadership, God's Promises, Boldness, God's Power, Changed Lives

Sent Out

Ask the Lord of the harvest … to send out workers into his harvest field. ­­– LUKE 10:2

In our journey through life, as we follow the Lord’s call, Christians are a sent people. Before his ascension into heaven, Jesus told us, through the apostles, to go into the world with a gospel that has the power to change lives. These marching orders have had a profound impact on the history of the world.

Tags:  Mission, Call, Gospel, Changed Lives, Harvest, Workers, Field