Alone with God - Part 1

And after he had dismissed the crowds, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone – Matthew 14:23

Tags:  Solitude, Retreat, Spiritual Rest, Renewal, Journey, Growth, Time with God, Prayer, Reflection, Quiet, Be Still, Clarity, God's Love, Joy, Peace, Fulfillment, Quality of Life, Draw Near to God, Enrichment

Pursuing God's Kingdom Purposes

Pursuing God's Kingdom Purposes

by Bruce Witt

Tags:  Life, Purpose, Value, Priorities, Labor, Work, Recognition, Popularity, Status, Power, Emptiness, Delusion, Foolishness, Fulfillment, God's Kingdom, Pursuit, Eternity, God's Glory, Ministry, Perspective, Evangelism, Fruit, Suffering, Prayer, Weakness, Strength, Service, Giving, Humility, Love, Joy, Peace, Wisdom, Jesus.