Pursuing God's Kingdom Purposes

Pursuing God's Kingdom Purposes

by Bruce Witt

Tags:  Life, Purpose, Value, Priorities, Labor, Work, Recognition, Popularity, Status, Power, Emptiness, Delusion, Foolishness, Fulfillment, God's Kingdom, Pursuit, Eternity, God's Glory, Ministry, Perspective, Evangelism, Fruit, Suffering, Prayer, Weakness, Strength, Service, Giving, Humility, Love, Joy, Peace, Wisdom, Jesus.

A Shift with the King

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands.
— PSALM 90:17

Trading a daunting night of work for life-giving time with the Lord.

Tags:  Work, Overtime, Purpose, God's Presence, Outlook, Focus, Ownership, Joy