Valiant or Villains?

Saul also went to his home at Gibeah, and with him went men of valor whose hearts God had touched. – 1 SAMUEL 10:26

Valiant or villains?

Tags:  Quest, Valor, Courage, Determination, God's Kingdom, God's Leading, Grace, Strength, Stand firm, Faithfulness, God's Provision, Discipleship, Servant Leadership, God's Promises, Boldness, God's Power, Changed Lives


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or deceit, but in humility consider others more significant than yourselves. Let each one look not only to his own interests, but to the interests of others. – PHILIPPIANS 2:3-4

Consider that we live in a time where Instagram influencers or YouTubers (most with no technical skill, academic knowledge, or talent) have reached celebrity status and have accumulated significant wealth through their various platforms. And many of their followers aspire to be like them. And why not?

Tags:  Life, Humility, Trust, Significance, Focus, Money, Power, Prestige, Business, Leadership, Entrepreneurs, Effective, Performance, Honesty, Success, Tolerance, Generosity, Relationships, Jesus, Servant Leadership