How to Survive a Desert Season at Work

Life’s trials are tough, but desert seasons are downright scary – especially when they impact our work. Our identity is challenged, our ability to provide for ourselves and our family is threatened, and any security we may have experienced previously goes out the window. You never know how long it will last, or how it will turn out. It’s as if a sandstorm of uncertainty gets stirred up, making it almost impossible to see even just the next step.

Tags:  Desert Season, Dry Times, Challenges, Fruit, Gratitude, Purpose, Trials, Growth, Trust

Chosen for Testing

Nobody wants to be that guy. No one would wish what Job went through on their worst enemy. Yet, he was chosen to be tested. Here was a guy that had done everything right. His reputation was stellar. He was known to be blameless, a man of integrity, God fearing, avoided evil, a family man and a successful business man who had earned a great amount of wealth.

Tags:  Trials, Adversity, Testing, Challenge, Difficulty, Losses, Endurance, Purpose, Trust

The Power of Unity

By NewSpring Church

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. — ROMANS 15:5-6

Tags:  Purpose, Unity, Fellowship, Team, Game, Fans, Faith, Mission, Good News, Glory

Resetting Everyday Rhythms

When January rolls around, it seems as if people everywhere are working toward big, lofty goals. They’re going to read more, get fit, and obtain career success all at the same time. However, instead of joining everyone in their pursuits, I often find myself pushing against such aspirations. Whether it’s fear of failure, skepticism, or just a hardness of heart, I resist the “new year, new me” mentality.

No Regrets Living

Life has some similarities to a football game. Our lives are broken up into 4 quarters with some people living in overtime. Like a football game, the goal is to finish well, assuring that you leave all you have on the field with no regrets. What can be easily overlooked is the purpose God has for each quarter.

Tags:  Life, Purpose


"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." — Matthew 6:33

Choking is a scary thing. When you can’t breathe, everything stops. Nothing else matters, only air.

Tags:  Busy, Tips for busy-ness

What Apple gets about discipleship

The things you’ve heard from me …, pass on to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. — 2 TIMOTHY 2:2

Not long ago I was in the Apple store working on my iPhone. A young lady was helping me—she probably looked to be in her early twenties. While she was working on my phone I start talking to her about her job.

I asked, “Have you been working here long?”

Fluid and Flexible

Whenever the cloud lifted from above the tent, the Israelites set out; wherever the cloud settled, the Israelites encamped. — NUMBERS 9:17

How well do you go with the flow?
How flexible are you?

Planning is good. Making plans is encouraged. But what if the plan is to simply be ready? Such was the case for the Israelites.

The Israelites simply kept their eye on a cloud. Wherever it went, they followed.