Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
Tags:  Hope, Gospel, Faith, Workplace, Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Vision, Outcomes, Motivation, Adversity, Future

Sent Out

Ask the Lord of the harvest … to send out workers into his harvest field. ­­– LUKE 10:2

In our journey through life, as we follow the Lord’s call, Christians are a sent people. Before his ascension into heaven, Jesus told us, through the apostles, to go into the world with a gospel that has the power to change lives. These marching orders have had a profound impact on the history of the world.

Tags:  Mission, Call, Gospel, Changed Lives, Harvest, Workers, Field

Keys in sharing Christ

Neil Cole asserts that contemporary evangelism has focused on "the conversation" over the gospel or having “correct answers” to defend our beliefs. In Jesus' pattern though, he says keys to sharing the gospel are:
Tags:  Sharing Christ, Gospel